Workshop 8

Friday, May 15th 2019


12:00 – 13:00


‘Turning Parent ‘Drama’into Parent ‘Buy-In’


Merritt Watson


South Africa


School of Merit, Johannesburg, South Africa.


Parent meetings and interviews are exceptionally challenging at best of times.  It is very difficult for a parent to hear that their child is encountering difficulty at school, either scholastically, behaviourally or socially. Parents often arrive at these meetings defensive, argumentative and on occasions un-cooperative. At School of Merit we utilise a Solution Focused Strategy to work differently with our parents and create buy-in. All our parent / teacher conversations are based on a 4 step process introduced by Chris Iveson. During this workshop I will illustrate how we have adapted Chris’ 4 room metaphor as a template for our parental feedback conversations. I will share how we discuss  the parent and the schools best hopes for the child, unpack the child’s resources and strengths, create a collaborative preferrred future and end our conversations with a positive gift.

Learning objectives

1. Utilising a Solution Focused process during a school parental meeting/ feeedback session

2. The effectiveness of working from a positive perspective with parents with regards to their child.

About presenter

Educational Psychologist, Principal and Owner of School of Merit in Johannesburg, South Africa.  (Solution Focused School)

Ways of presenting

 (V) Presentation program with projection (PowerPoint, Prezi)

 (V) Showing video excerpts


(X) Education/School