Workshop 1

Friday, May 15th 2019

Jacob Pronk Hall

10:45 – 11:45


‘Traumatic Life Experience and Solution-Focused Therapy’


Ben Furman




Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute


Many people ask, in workshops and training events, whether solution-focused therapy can be used to help clients who have had traumatic life experiences. They wonder about that perhaps because solution-focused therapy is usually future oriented and the emphasis is not on the past but future. Contrary to this misunderstanding solution-focused therapy is actually very suitable for helpng clients overcome traumatic life experiences. Many of the basic techniques, such as exploring recovery in a future oriented fashion, examining coping strategies already used and scaling are excellent tools for facilitating recovery. In addition to these, you will learn in this workshop a number creative ways to help people heal from adverse life experiences.

Learning objectives

1. Participants will learn to listen to their clients telling about difficult life experiences in a way that underlines the client’s own resilience, coping and recovery.

2. They will also become familiar with several solution-focused questions that therapists can use to help their clients recover and recuperate from difficult life experiences.

About presenter

Ben Furman is a psychiatrist from Finland and internationally active trainer of solution-focused therapy and coaching. You can find more information about him at his website He also has his own youtube channel at

Ways of presenting

(x ) Lecture without any visuals

(x) Exercise, actively involving the participants

(x ) Questions and answers


(X) Therapy/counselling/coaching/social work/mental health